All photography provided by Imogen Paton

We invite you to be photographed sporting the hash tag t-shirt #doilooklikeavictim, making the point that nobody does as it could effect any one of us. 

This project has now ended!

Our Mission

Campaign I OWN ME is a grassroots street level poster campaign addressing the fact that domestic abuse can affect anyone regardless of race, religion, gender, sexuality or financial/social status, and striving to alleviate the stigma surrounding victims. I OWN ME aims to highlight that abuse takes many forms beyond physical violence, but it also shines a spotlight on the message that abuse is not a life sentence and that we can all reclaim the power of self-determination!


Have you been affected by this issue and would like to stand up and say #doilooklikeavictim? Would you like to inspire thousands of others that relate to someone just like you to feel unashamed to say "I was a victim of abuse and that does not define me", or are you simply moved by our cause and willing to add your face to the message "It could happen to me, it could happen to you, we could all be a victim of this crime"? Whatever your drive, please get in touch for details on how to be a face in our campaign or simply order your t-shirt here and send us your own picture!


Here are some of the faces in our community, better known for their roles in Game Of Thrones, Amadeus, Shameless, Chinese Burn and Sherlock... standing in solidarity with our cause. 

Domestic Abuse effects 1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men. Directly or indirectly we are all victims of this global issue and we must all work together in order to fight it
— Imogen Paton, Founder and director of Arts Against Abuse

What People say about our work 

  • I love your page and am so inspired by you! It's wonderful what you have started. I'm actually a victim of domestic violence for almost 20 years. I know if I didn't have dance and art in general in my life, I would probably not even be here today! It was such a beautiful escape for me and it helped me deal with reality better. Much love and keep doing this amazing thing, you are going to change the world!

  • Hi Imogen, I think what you are doing is incredible. I was a victim of emotional abuse by a boyfriend and it still impacts on what I do every day and how I let others treat me. I've always been keen to raise awareness of the subtleties of emotional abuse and just wanted to reach out and offer my support to any projects or anything a middling indie musician such as myself could be helpful for. Xx

  • Thank you, I love this. I studied the domestic abuse of women at postgraduate level, and have an academic feminist background. So understandibly people keep saying: "you're the LAST person we thought this would happen to" and "if it can happen to you, it can happen to anybody". But you know, it's so much more complex than that. there were and are many vulnerabilities within me that co-exist with my strength, and thats what got me into that situation. Women can be both very strong and very vulnerable. One got me into the situation and the other got me out of it. I am so sorry it happened to you twice but heartened and encouraged to read you have a good man now. I read about you in the Sunday Times....a very important article. I really like what you are doing. So much misunderstanding of domestic abuse. Thank you.

  • Hi, I saw your #doilooklikeavictim campaign and I think its truly inspiring. Two years ago I decided to speak out about my father who sexually and physically abused me and it was one of the most challenging yet life changing moments. I've always wanted to help others going through a similar circumstance but I don't know how to go about it at present. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and thanks for all you do.

  • Just wanted to take a quick moment to say I absolutely LOVE what you do, the fight you fight. It's amazing. Being a victim of domestic violence more times than I wish to admit, i'll always have the scars to remind myself what I escaped from - what I survived. Your pictures and your words remind me I'm not alone. So a huge thank you goes out to you!

  • It truly does take a lot of dedication to go through that process, to not beat yourself up and not be harsh or critical as you do so. I'm still walking through it and some days are not as easy as others. But I make sure to surround myself with others who lift me up, speak truth in love, and are always by my side no matter what. Thank you so much for your posts! Always on time and greatly needed.